New Year’s Resolution – More SEX

To be honest, I really hate New Year's Resolutions. I do love the idea of starting the new year with fresh ideas. However, I’m a believer in lifelong learning and growth rather than a once a year sort of thing. Mostly I find that people haphazardly have an idea of...

Why Fighting About Sex Never Works!

Why Fighting About Sex Never Works!

If you and your partner, lover, girlfriend, boyfriend, spouse, etc. aren’t on the same page regarding sex or physical intimacy and you’re wondering what to do, keep reading. This is one of the most common questions I get in my office as a Sex and Relationship...

What does playfulness have to do with good or satisfying sex?

What does playfulness have to do with good or satisfying sex?

If you were too busy or caught up in adulting to get dressed up and playful this Halloween and this has become a pattern for you this could be affecting your ability to have a satisfying sex life. Are you wondering what the heck does Halloween have to do with good and...

5 Reasons You Aren’t Having Sex…

5 Reasons You Aren’t Having Sex…

Initially this blog was titled “5 Reasons MEN Aren’t Having Sex” because it’s about why females often decline their partner’s sexual desires/advances/requests. Men often have greater sexual desire (duh) than women in long-term relationships. In most cases what I see...

So you think you’re asexual?

So you think you’re asexual?

A surprising number of clients come to me questioning whether or not they are asexual. In most cases it’s not asexuality. It’s low desire or a partner who isn’t happy with the desire discrepancy between them. So you think you're asexual? The asexual self diagnoser is...

Be Satisfied This Valentine’s Day…Again & Again

Be Satisfied This Valentine’s Day…Again & Again

Here's a Valentine's Day article I wrote for Theravive. It still rings true for many of my sex therapy clients longing to be satisfied this valentine's day...again & again. It's about how to get the Valentine's Day you want. I want people to stop basing their...

What makes a great sexual lover?

What makes a great sexual lover?

Size matters you say? Of course everyone’s idea of what makes a great sexual lover varies. Some might say a great lover is naughty or rough, others might say erotic, while another person might say a great lover goes by the name of “Oh God!” More times than not, I find...

Fueling Your Sex Drive

Fueling Your Sex Drive

In my practice I see lots of women and couples wanting to address the issue of low desire. Before I work with individuals to help them fuel their sexual desire, I explore if the sex they are having is worth wanting. We also explore the level of overall satisfaction in...

10 MORE Sex Tips #MaySexTips

10 MORE Sex Tips #MaySexTips

Here's more May sex tips for all you couples in relationships as well as flirty singles. If you haven’t seen them all, just follow me on twitter @TalkSexWithLiz . To read about my first 10 sex tips, check out my blog here. I don’t think you or your partner...

Top 10 Sex Tips for May

Top 10 Sex Tips for May

Sex Tip #1 - Share your turn ons & offs with your partner. For every 1 turn off share 5 turn ons. So many people assume they know what their partner wants or likes most but often when I ask the question “What are your partner’s greatest turn ons and off?” I get...